March 31, 2025

Links to Data Sources


Here are useful links to climate related data sources

NASA Earth Observatory and NOAA

Solar insolation

Outgoing longwave radiation (OLR)

Cloud Fraction

NASA Cloud Product: Description of the tool.

AIRS data: Various data of the atmosphere

NOAA: Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN)

Berkeley Earth Open Source Data base (BEST)

NOAA Sea surface temperatures (ERSST V5)

Arctic and Antarctic climate and sea ice

Artic Sea Ice Extend for Arctic and Antarctic

Arctic Sea Ice Extend from Climate Reanalyzer

Polar Portal: Greenland

Polar portal, sea ice extent and thickness

Temperature measurements Online measurement and overview of global temperature

Climate Reanalyzer – Daily anomalies of global temperature etc.

DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst): Historical Temperature measurements in Germany (1781 until present)

Climate4you: A collection of many different climate relevant data.

Creating plots from various sources: WoodForTrees

KNMI Climate Explorer (initialized for maximum Temperatures in Siberia)

MSU & AMSU Time Series Trend Browse Tool

Nino SST Indices

Global Cryosphere Watch

Australian Buro of Meteorology, Online Climate Data

Atmosphere Observations

CAMS – Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service

Natural Disasters

Global Deaths from Natural Disasters 1900-2019

Global Carbon budget

Statistics of worldwide carbon emissions

Global carbon project

Spectroscopic tools

MODTRAN Interactive Tool for OLR IR spectra and Downwelling IR spectra

HITRAN etc: Spectroscopic Data base.

The German energy transition

Agora-Energiewende: Useful information of hourly current energy mix in Germany including corresponding electricity trading prices.

Energy Chart: Actual and planned distribution of energy generation in Germany.

Wind maps

Daily Wind power usage in Europe

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