Climate related publications
This is an uncomplete collection of blogs and other climate related web publications that I consider useful. The fact that the publication appears here does not necessarily mean endorsement.
Climate realists and sceptics
These publications are from organisations or individuals who somehow speak up as a voice against climate alarmism.
- Climateguy – The blog of Prof Rancourt (Toronto)
- CO2 coalition – Prof. William Happer, Dr. Patrick Moore
- Die kalte Sonne – daily newsletter about climate relevant issues by Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt and Dr. habil Sebastian Lüning
- JoNova – Critical Blog, e.g. regarding energy transition towards renewables
- Clive Best – well structured blog covering many subjects
- Tony Heller – Real Climate Science
- GWPF – the Global warming policy foundation
- John Christy: The tropical skies — falsifying climate alarm
- Competitive Enterprise Institute: Bjorn Lomborg and John Christy shred climate alarmism
- Jim Steele’s collection of essays falsifying climate alarm.
- Climate Science Update: An Overview of the latest climate science for policy makers
- Klimawandel-Hoax implodiert: Alle Klimawandel-Fakten auf einen Blick (in German)
- Ferdinand Engelbeen discussing Beck’s CO2 concentration measurements
- David Coe et al, The Impact of CO2, H2O and Other “Greenhouse Gases” on Equilibrium Earth Temperatures
Climate mainstream publications
These publications and blogs represent the main stream positions, conforming to and defending the official IPCC line of thought (this list is incomplete):
- Carbonbrief – News about climate and IPCC
- Real Climate – Main blog of IPCC conforming authors
Peer reviewed scientists
This is a subjective selection of People who are regularly publishing in peer reviewed papers
- Climate etc. – Prof. Judith Curry
- Dr. Roy Spencer – his personal Blog
- Roger Pielke in Forbes Magazine
- Henrik Svensmark and Neir Shaviv (solar influence and cosmic rays)
Landmark papers
This is a subjective, uncomplete collection of scientific papers that I consider to have been or are significantly influential in the climate discussion – further proposals are welcome.
Richard S. Lindzen et al. (2011): On the Observational Determination of Climate Sensitivity and Its Implications
Graeme L. Stephens et al. (2012): An update on Earth’s energy balance in light of the latest global observations.
Jay R. Herman et al. (2013): A net decrease in the Earth’s cloud, aerosol, and surface 340 nm reflectivity during the past 33 yr (1979–2011)
D.R. Feldman et al. (2015): Observational determination of surface radiative forcing by CO2 from 2000 to 2010.
John Christy, Roy Spencer et al. (2018): Examination of space-based bulk atmospheric temperatures used in climate research
Albert Einstein, 1917: Zur Quantentheorie der Strahlung, ausführliche Besprechung mit Erläuterungen.
Fraud and Controversies in Climate Science
The ClimateGate Emails, uncovering the conspiracy of „official“ climate research institutions to push the climate agenda towards the carbon reduction goals of the IPCC.
Climate Education
These are general introductions of climate and atmosphere physics with university level
- Fundamentals of Climate Science — PennState Earth and Material Science
- ATMO336 – Fall 2014 — Weather, Climate, Society. University of Arizona
Questions to Politicians
German Politician have been asked 16 Questions ragarding climate policies, which are answered by the different parties — only the green party refused to answer (In German language). More that 33.000 citizens have signed this questionaire.